Never forget what you are, for surely the world will not. ~ George R.R. Martin, A Game of Thrones
Despite knowing how important diet and exercise are to health and well being, it can be difficult to find the time and energy needed to take care of ourselves in this regard. I have, on too many occasions, found it all too easy to choose fried chicken, beer, and Game of Thrones over banging out a workout and eating salad for dinner so I totally get it. Indeed, whether it be an unexpected business trip, a sick kid at home, or long days at the office, life definitely has a way of getting in the way of taking care of ourselves.
The problem, of course, is that if you get off track for too long, getting started again can be a real challenge. Informed by my own experience and mistakes made along the way, I offer you three pieces of advice to stay motivated.
Choose simple over nothing
When it comes to all the options and information out there about meal and/or exercise plans, it’s certainly easy to become paralyzed with indecision. Consider choosing simple over nothing while you wade through the data and figure out what works best for you. If training for a 10k sounds like an overwhelming commitment, why not try walking at lunch instead? Don’t want to give up the Colonel? Consider bringing lunch to work. It might not generate material for your next Instagram post, but, remember, even the smallest of things can add up. Perhaps more importantly, they can keep you in the game ready to gradually tackle something bigger. Until then, don’t forget to look back and revel in your progress.
Don’t do it alone
There is nothing more motivational than knowing someone is in the trenches with you to keep your head in the game. Earlier this year, a group of us at Evaero committed to the simple goal of performing 30 minutes of activity every day for three months. I’ll confess there were plenty of times when I would normally have skipped a day, but knowing my coworkers had already done their workout gave me incentive stay the course.
Don’t wait for your muse
I prefer to exercise in the morning when my energy level is at its highest. There are fewer distractions and I enjoy the luxury of going through my day knowing I already completed my workout. However, my 10-year-old son recently asked me to take him to the gym before his school starts (to work with him on shooting baskets) and therefore, the extra time I had in the mornings is now gone. Typically, that would be a great excuse, but rather than be beholden to my muse, I figure out a way to get my 30 minutes in every day; no matter what. I can’t tell you it has been fun, but spending extra time with my son and watching him improve has more than made up for it.
On that note, a good time for me to wrap things up and wish you a great rest of the week. Before I leave though, how about some music for our Manufacturing Peace of Mind™ Spotify playlist? Here then is a band that played in Tucson last night, Los Straightjackets, with their take on the Game of Thrones theme song.
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