Proverbs 24:3wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established.
As the year winds down, many of us will find ourselves setting personal and professional goals for the New Year. If you fall in this camp, consider how you’re going to achieve your goals. In doing so, may I suggest choosing something that can be framed as a positive action?
I realize this sounds totally hokey but you don’t have to look any further than folks trying to lose weight to convince yourself there is value in this advice.
Consider the following list:
- carbs
- dessert
- alcohol
- bread
- soda
- sugar
- fast-food
- dairy
- meat
- wheat
Insert the word “no” or “reduce” in front of each word and ask yourself if this sounds like a diet of someone you know.
And how did that work out?
I’m not saying you should or shouldn’t cut any of the things on this list. Nor am I saying weight does (or does not) depend on these factors. Rather, it has been my experience that for most mortals, it doesn’t take too long for “no” to become “yes.”
The problem with this is that by including a “no” in your success equation, the inevitable “yes” leaves you with an emotional hangover comprising guilt, despair, sorrow, fear, anger, and perhaps even hate.
And where can that lead you?
How about (in the words of Master Yoda) to a whole lot of suffering?
The word “diet” stems from the Greek word “diaita,” which means “way of life.” If you want to choose wisdom and understanding as a way of life rather than suffering, I recommend building your success equation with something positive.
Here, for example, are some ways you can build success equations tied to weight loss that
- Track food
- Take a daily walk with your spouse
- Exercise
- Make lunch
- Walk to/at work
- Eat before 7 PM
- Eat salads for dinner
- Drink water before a meal
You may have noticed that in addition to being positive, each of these items involves doing something. A natural outcome of reaching for positive solutions to effect change is that more often than not they require your action and your attention – precisely what may be needed to get and keep things moving in the right direction.
Granted, none of these are likely to offer quick solutions to someone wanting to lose weight. However, on analyzing success/failure, they will inspire reflection that will result in long-term sustainable results.
On that note, now is a good time to wipe the donut crumbs off my pajamas, have another shot of espresso, and get ready for work. Before I do however, I wanted to leave you with some music for our ever expanding and eclectic Manufacturing Peace of Mind™ Spotify playlist.
A few years ago, in an article titled The Taxes We Don’t Pay Attention To, I introduced you to the local band Copper & Congress. The lead singer of that band, the immensely talented Katie Haverly, recently put out a solo album titled Pluto. Here is a song off the album. Hope you like it as much as I do.
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